Tuesday, 12 November 2013

When Faith Tremors

When your faith starts to tremor
Your confidence is knocked
You can't see things clearly
Your mind feels its blocked

When your faith starts to tremor
You realise all your fears
Nothing comes clearly
Except sadness and tears

When your faith starts to tremor
Find faith in God
He believes your ability
And gives you the nod

© 10/2013 Chika Anyanwu

Monday, 16 September 2013

Adanna Women’s Support Group - Empowering women to be their best

Dear Ms Wu

It was good to meet you at the Women’s Conference last Saturday I hope you found it useful.

As someone who demonstrates commitment to starting and running their own business, I would like to invite you to a support group I run for women in business and employment.

We meet once a month on the last Thursday of the month from 6-8pm. It is child friendly, you can bring your children if childcare is an issue. They are catered for separately by qualified and experienced childcare staff in the children’s activity area.

What is it about?

Adanna Women’s Support Group is a networking  and support group for women set up primarily for women who want to advance in their careers, jobs and business/professional lives whilst still having a good healthy balance in their personal family lives.

Well it is a focus group of a small number of women committed to succeed in their field.

We focus on each individual. We follow a business growth programme where we look at what goals you have set yourself to achieve and support you through the process.  If you are building a career then it is a career development programme.

There are speakers on specific topics which help to guide us through the process of achieving our goals. You also have the opportunity to showcase your  business to the group, build your network of strong, like minded supporters and grow your business or career in the way you want and at the pace that suits you.

Our Mission is Empowering women to be their best

Our Goal is to help you get to where you want to go as quickly as possible.

I hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 26th September at 6pm in Ilford. The cost is £2 to cover the room hire and refreshments.

Please check out our meet up page to register and for more information go to www.adannawomensupportgroup.com



Death of a Soul - Commuting Misery

Death of a Soul 

http://blogs.independent.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/commuter-2.jpgWading through wind, the rain and snow
They slowly experience the death of a soul
Countenance distant head bowed low
To make it on time is their only goal.
Through the rush hour on bus, tube and rail,
They have to get through it even when frail
Countenance distant head bowed low
Surviving the journey is their only goal

© 07/2013 Chika Anyanwu

Unrequited Fruit

Unrequited Fruit

Had a taste and it tasted good
So I tried other bushes and trees
Fruit hard and fruit rough
Some bitter and some soft
Competing with birds and the bees.

Through the forest I've roamed
And seen many a tree
With the most beautiful fruit you ever did see
Some fell on my head, my back and my neck
I kicked them aside not a glance or a peck

© 09/2013 Chika Anyanwu

Grrr! Fairground Love's Lost Attraction

It was a whirl
A tornado like twirl
Exciting, determined and quick
As I start to unfurl
Slowly uncurl
I'm hit with the feeling of sick

It was fun
It was nice
All sugar and spice
Moist, yummy and tasty and oooh
I think of it now
Furrow my brow
And think I honestly need to just spew

Writing on the wall
Alarmed and 10 feet tall
How was I blind that I couldn't hear or see
Allowed myself to be toyed
Now feel so annoyed
Cos I believe what will be will be

© 09/2013 Chika Anyanwu