Wednesday 23 March 2016

New Year Salutations 2013 - 2015

New Year

2013   We’re counting it down as we do every year

And reflect on how we’ve done

Celebrated the Diamond Jubilee

And moaned financial downturn

We proudly hosted the Olympic Games

Were inspired by our Team GB

We moaned a never seen joblessness

Thinking oh dear woe is me

Good with the bad I think it’s been good

You may say where has she been?

As you enter and embrace the New Year

May you prosper in 2013

2014   Ambition without knowledge

Is like a boat on dry land

So as we enter 2014

Let’s not build on sand

Some friends may've served purpose

Come the end of this year

Feel no guilt, shake them off

With courage not with fear

If they're truly a friend

They'll see and wish you well

If unconcerned about your growth

Then say fast track to hell.

Let them say let them talk

Do what YOU need to do

Happy New Year, hit me back

If I've served well as friend to you

2015   The bird has been stuffed, eaten, digested

Some of us have been raving, others have rested

Now New Year approaches, Hogmanay those who are Scot

When we decide on location and with whom to take stock

Be safe and reflective, learn from experience that’s been

Then let go of the old and welcome 2015

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